Bindery & Finishing

Our in-house bindery and finishing options provide the necessary frame and finish to turn your printing project into a polished product. We bring our commitment to quality and detail into every aspect of the finishing process, no matter the size or complexity of the project.

With our high-speed equipment and skilled technicians, we strive to exceed your expectations by delivering a completely finished product in the shortest possible timeframe.

Hard Binding

Paperback Binding/Aluminum /

Paperback Binding


Wiro Binding

Spiral Binding/

Spiral Binding

Aluminum Binding/

Aluminium Binding

We also provide Printed or plain covers, clear acetate covers, and other types of bindings for specialty projects.

Add on’s
Collating, Cutting & Trimming, folding, Indexing, Perforating, Hole Drilling
Lamination – Soft, Lamination – Hard, Lamination – Cloth, Lamination Removal

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    Kohli Printographics

    12-14, Municipal Market, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001

    +91 88805 88840 (Call/WhatsApp)
